Your needs are unique.

We’ll help you find the most appropriate and cost-effective solution.

Below are three different approaches to hiring qualified TypeWell transcribers, depending on the location, time frame, and venue.


Are you looking for pricing info for software licenses or training courses? Visit our Help Center.

  • Access to a team of experienced teachers/trainers
  • Relationship with a community of transcribers
  • Updated software features every year
  • Continuing education opportunities
  • Free technical support, guidance, and resources 
  • Free streaming text platform without any hidden or per-minute fees

Contract with an
Experienced Provider

Average Time: 1 day Average Cost: $70/hour

start-up costs

free demo & orientation for new users
up to 2 hours trial services for new users
optional equipment rental

starting at $65/hr

real-time TypeWell services

on-site or remote transcribers
fast, free technical support

Recruit & Train a
New Transcriber

Average Time: 4-6 months Average Cost: $25-45/hour

online screening tests

we screen for typing speed & other essential skills
you conduct your own interviews
you select qualified candidate(s) to sponsor


transcriber training program

course fee paid by you, the employer
average training time: 2-3 months (40-60 hours)
includes 2 first-semester skill consultations

We recommend paying your candidate an hourly wage or stipend during training.


real-time TypeWell services

permanent transcriber employed by you
rates vary by location & cost of living


includes free streaming text platform
typically paid for by employer
(unless transcriber is an independent contractor)

Utilize Our
Train to Hire Program

Average Time: 9-12 months Average Cost: $55/hour

recruitment fee

we advertise and screen candidates for you
we conduct interviews and background checks
you select final candidate for training


transcriber training program

TypeWell Basic Skills Course
course fee is waived for your chosen candidate
average training time: 2-3 months

You pay nothing for training. You only pay for the new transcriber’s hourly TypeWell services.


real-time TypeWell services

temporary practicum (240 hours)
new transcriber works for you on-site
we provide careful oversight & mentoring

We initially employ, oversee, and mentor the candidate during the Basic Skills Course. They complete a 240-hour practicum providing services for you. Then you decide whether to hire as an employee.


real-time TypeWell services

permanent transcriber once hired by you
rates vary by location & cost of living


includes free streaming text platform
typically paid for by employer
(unless transcriber is an independent contractor)

Who typically is responsible for paying?

In the United States, there are 3 federal laws that relate to transcription services:

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

The venue in which you’re providing communication access will determine which laws apply
and who is responsible for paying for the services.


In the educational setting, TypeWell transcribers usually work for the Disability Support department at a school or university.

Transcribers may also work for agencies, which in turn contract with schools, businesses, and organizations to provide communication access for students, employees, and other clients.


In the workplace setting, TypeWell transcribers are hired directly by the employer or the Human Resources department.

By law, employers with 15 or more employees are required to provide reasonable accommodation to an employee or job applicant with a disability, unless doing so would cause significant difficulty or expense for the employer (“undue hardship”).