We invite you to complete an impact survey about the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on TypeWell transcribers, small business owners, and disability service coordinators.
It has been almost two months since the coronavirus pandemic began affecting the US and Canada, socially and economically. Schools and businesses scrambled to adjust to new stay-at-home orders. Meetings, classes, and special events were rescheduled, moved online, reformatted, or canceled. Accommodations for people with disabilities were severely disrupted.
The pandemic has impacted everyone in the accessibility industry, on both a professional and personal level.
TypeWell cares very much about this talented and dedicated community of communication access providers. Our hearts go out to you and all the clients and consumers you serve.
So that we can better focus our support, education, and resources through the summer and fall, we want to understand how this community has been impacted by the pandemic thus far.
Please take a few minutes to complete our coronavirus impact survey.
The more participants who complete the survey, the more we can potentially learn from one another, and the more fully we can understand and convey the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on our industry.
We will share summary results and trends on this website and in a forthcoming newsletter. (Sign up for our newsletter here.) This is likely the first of several surveys that we will send out related to the pandemic.
Answers to the survey questions are private, safe, and confidential.